In response to the devastating 2010 earthquake in Haiti, the students enrolled in the summer 2010 LIFE Reels Youth Workshop in South Florida, collaborated with Danny Madden (a singer, songwriter and music producer), Anita Walker (a music and television producer) and youth from the KIPP School chorus in New York City. Together they produced and launched the pro-social campaign, Haitian Awareness Relief Project (HARP).
HARP, a pro-social initiative of LIFE3, was established to inspire the world to continue to “give…don’t not give up”. The inspirational song “Don’t Give Up On Me”, is written and performed by Madden, and features the voices of the children in the KIPP School chorus, under Mr. Madden’s direction.
Out of this awesome collaboration, a series of public service announcement ads featuring the youth from Florida and New York were developed. Please join LIFE3 in our continuing efforts to uplift, educate, and inspire youth to participate in the areas of civic engagement, using their creativity to raise awareness of issues relevant to their communities and around the world.